
13 ottobre, 1976
Ricordo un periodo in cui ero piu' giovane. Mio padre era un uomo con molti sogni, stava lavorando alla costruzione di una diga in Africa quando ci chiamo' per andare a vivere li' per un anno. Ci siamo lasciati tutto alle spalle, compresi gli studi e poco dopo mi ritrovo a contatto con una natura selvaggia che non conosco. Ricordo di essere stato travolto emotivamente ed e' nata in me una nuova sensibilita' che mi ha ispirato e mi ha consentito di realizzare opere religiose per una chiesa locale ottenendo consensi positivi e scoprendo la mia vera aspirazione.

14 aprile, 1988
Ho iniziato a collaborare con il Ministero e la Soprintendenza grazie alla mia esperienza di restauratore. Ho avuto l'onore di partecipare a progetti ambiziosi che mi hanno permesso di incontrare importanti architetti, imprenditori sempre desiderosi di conoscere il risultato del mio lavoro. Da semplici restauri a revisioni complete di intere strutture, ho potuto conoscere piu' a fondo le diverse tecniche e i materiali utilizzati nel corso della storia.

11 settembre, 1978
È stato un giorno importante per me quando ho deciso di iniziare gli studi artistici a Venezia, sapevo di voler studiare li. Questa formazione studio e' stata preziosa perche' mi ha insegnato a essere critico nei confronti del mio lavoro e a sviluppare il mio stile personale. Ho potuto approfondire le tecniche e gli stili pittorici grazie alla guida e agli esempi dei miei maestri.

28 giugno, 1985
Sono sempre stato affascinato dall'arte del restauro, ma non mi rendevo conto che questo fascino mi avrebbe portato ad avere un'attivita' in proprio, lavorando per clienti pubblici e privati. In seguito sono stato introdotto anche nell'ambiente ecclesiastico, che mi ha permesso di conoscere a fondo l'affresco e la decorazione antica, sviluppando una certa maestria nel recupero e nella creazione ex novo. e' da questo tipo di interventi che ho deciso di intraprendere quello che e' stato il mio secondo percorso, il restauro di edifici storici.


Ma ora, dopo una vita passata a perfezionare le competenze e tecniche necessarie per riportare in vita opere antiche, sento che e' arrivato il momento di dare una nuova identita' alla mia azienda. Mi chiamo Ivan Ceschin e sono il fondatore di HISTORYA, un nome che non si riferisce solo ad un modo per far rivivere il passato, ma anche ad un'opportunita' per guardare al futuro. Sono un artista e un imprenditore con un sogno: far conoscere al mondo la bellezza dell'arte italiana. credo che questo possa avvenire solo attraverso un'azienda che riunisca i migliori artigiani e artisti per realizzare qualcosa di piu' grande di cio' che creano. Questo e' possibile perche' abbiamo a disposizione strumenti, conoscenze e risorse a portata di mano, tecniche perfezionate nel tempo e una comunita' di persone che condividono la nostra visione di costruire qualcosa di piu' di un semplice prodotto o di un'idea. Mio padre era un artista nella forgiatura del ferro e da lui ho imparato a coinvolgere anche i miei figli in questa attivita' che oggi si impegnano a prendere parte a questa avventura.


October 13, 1976
I remember a time when I was younger. My father was a man with many dreams; he was working on building a dam in Africa when he called us to go live there for a year.
We left everything behind, including our studies, and shortly thereafter I found myself in contact with a wilderness I did not know.
I remember being overwhelmed emotionally, a new sensitivity was born in me that inspired me and allowed me to do religious works for a local church gaining positive acclaim and discovering my true aspiration.

June 28, 1985
I have always been fascinated by the art of restoration, but I did not realize that this fascination would lead me to have my own business, working for public and private clients.
Later, I was also introduced to the ecclesiastical environment, which gave me an in-depth knowledge of fresco and ancient decoration, and I developed a certain mastery in restoring and creating from scratch.
It was from these types of interventions that I decided to embark on what has been my second path, interior decoration, which has allowed me to meet important architects and interior designers, always eager to learn about my work.

September 11, 1978
It was an important day for me when I decided to begin my art studies in Venice; I knew I wanted to study there.
This studio training was invaluable because it taught me to be critical of my work and to develop my own personal style.
I was able to delve into painting techniques and styles through the guidance and examples of my masters.

April 14, 1988.
It all started with a passion.
When I entered the world of ship modeling, I saw my work as an expression of my love for the sea and history,
I wanted to create models of ships that were faithful representations in their heyday, but also captured the spirit of the era. So I began collaborating with model makers to realize my visions.


I feel that the time has come to give a change, a new identity to my company.
My name is Ivan Ceschin and I am the founder of HISTORYA, a name that refers not only to a way to revive the past, but also to an opportunity to look to the future.
I am an artist and an entrepreneur with a dream: to introduce the world to the beauty of Italian art.
I believe this can only happen through a company that brings together the best artisans and artists to make something greater than what they create
This is possible because we have tools, knowledge and resources at our fingertips, techniques perfected over time, and a community of people who share our vision of building something more than just a product or an idea.
My father was an artist in iron forging, and from him I learned to involve my children in this activity as well, who are now committed to taking part in this adventure.

October 13, 1976
I remember a time when I was younger. My father was a man with many dreams; he was working on building a dam in Africa when he called us to go live there for a year.
We left everything behind, including our studies, and shortly thereafter I found myself in contact with a wilderness I did not know.
I remember being overwhelmed emotionally, a new sensitivity was born in me that inspired me and allowed me to do religious works for a local church gaining positive acclaim and discovering my true aspiration.

September 11, 1978
It was an important day for me when I decided to begin my art studies in Venice; I knew I wanted to study there.
This studio training was invaluable because it taught me to be critical of my work and to develop my own personal style.
I was able to delve into painting techniques and styles through the guidance and examples of my masters.

June 28, 1985
I have always been fascinated by the art of restoration, but I did not realize that this fascination would lead me to have my own business, working for public and private clients.
Later, I was also introduced to the ecclesiastical environment, which gave me an in-depth knowledge of fresco and ancient decoration, and I developed a certain mastery in restoring and creating from scratch.
It was from these types of interventions that I decided to embark on what has been my second path, interior decoration, which has allowed me to meet important architects and interior designers, always eager to learn about my work.

April 14, 1988.
It all started with a passion.
When I entered the world of ship modeling, I saw my work as an expression of my love for the sea and history,
I wanted to create models of ships that were faithful representations in their heyday, but also captured the spirit of the era. So I began collaborating with model makers to realize my visions.

I feel that the time has come to give a change, a new identity to my company.
My name is Ivan Ceschin and I am the founder of HISTORYA, a name that refers not only to a way to revive the past, but also to an opportunity to look to the future.
I am an artist and an entrepreneur with a dream: to introduce the world to the beauty of Italian art.
I believe this can only happen through a company that brings together the best artisans and artists to make something greater than what they create
This is possible because we have tools, knowledge and resources at our fingertips, techniques perfected over time, and a community of people who share our vision of building something more than just a product or an idea.
My father was an artist in iron forging, and from him I learned to involve my children in this activity as well, who are now committed to taking part in this adventure.


Ivan Ceschin
Alex Ceschin
Nicolas Ceschin
Eva Berto
Sales and marketing